start [2010/11/12 10:41]
start [2013/09/05 10:28] (current)
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====== Online User Manual ====== ====== Online User Manual ======
 +{{ :ix78_black_small.png|Internet Gate}}
-**This is the online user manual for the Internet Gate.**+**This is the online user manual for the [[product overview:start|Internet Gate]].**
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-There are four different ways you can find information about the topic you are interested in: +There are four different ways you can find information\\ about the topic you are interested in:
-{{ :ix78-wlan-standing-web.gif|Internet Gate}}+
  * Use the **Search** field at top left on this page\\ \\   * Use the **Search** field at top left on this page\\ \\
-  * Use one of the **Quick links** at left on this page\\ \\+  * Use one of the **Quick links** at left\\ \\
  * Find the page in the **Table of Contents** at left\\ \\   * Find the page in the **Table of Contents** at left\\ \\
-  * Open the corresponding **configuration webpage** on the **[[web GUI:main menu]]**\\ \\ +  * Open the corresponding **configuration webpage**\\ on the **[[web GUI:main menu]]**\\ \\
-  * Select one of these **quick links** and navigate to your topic of interest:\\ \\ +
-    * [[Product Overview]] +
-    * [[Settings and Administration:Installation]] +
-    * [[Settings and Administration]] +
-    * [[web GUI:main menu|Configuration Webpages]]\\ \\ +
-    * [[ADSL:start|ADSL]] +
-    * [[SIP:start|SIP Support]] +
-    * [[phone ports:start|Telephone ports]] +
-    * [[Network:start|Network]] +
-    * [[Firewall]] +
-    * [[Wireless]] +
-    * [[VPN:start|VPN]] +
-    * [[misc:start|Misc]] +
-    * [[License|Licenses]]\\ \\ +
-    * [[Troubleshooting:start|Troubleshooting]]+
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:!: Important notices are usually marked like this in the text. :!: Important notices are usually marked like this in the text.
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<sub>Please note that due to the dynamic nature of this manual, all information in this documentation is subject to change without notice.</sub> <sub>Please note that due to the dynamic nature of this manual, all information in this documentation is subject to change without notice.</sub>
start.1289554895.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/12 10:41 by tibor
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