
SIP Overview

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is an Internet protocol for live communication between persons. The Internet Gate is equipped with a SIP proxy and registrar that dynamically controls the firewall to allow multiple SIP clients on the LAN to communicate universally over the Internet. With the Internet Gate you can communicate using telephony, presence, instant messaging, voice and video applications all the way into your private LAN and still being protected by a vigorous firewall.

:!: The Internet Gate is pre-configured to be SIP-transparent, allowing SIP traffic to effortlessly pass through the firewall. You do not need to tweak or configure the settings if all you want is getting simple SIP traffic through the firewall.

:!: Turn off ICE, STUN, uPnP and other “tricks” that your SIP clients try to use to get through ordinary firewalls. As the Internet Gate is SIP transparent such “tricks” are harmful and unnecessary - and might even actually stop SIP traffic from getting through the firewall!

In addition, the proxy and registrar can be configured to be a standalone SIP server. Furthermore, the SIP Switch extensions (Dial Plan, User Accounts and more) integrate SIP phones with soft PC Clients and ordinary telephones via gateway services.

The SIP Switch is a software option that is purchased by clicking the Buy link above the Dial Plan table or below the SIP Account table. Without the SIP Switch, only the general settings plus the SIP user, id and password in the User Account table are functional.

The SIP PBX is also a software option that is purchased, and it gives even more integrated services, like voicemail and auto attendants.

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sip/start.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/05 13:51 by tibor
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