wireless [2010/11/12 11:09]
tibor removed
— (current)
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-====== Wireless Access Point ====== 
-<if !air> 
-^ :!: **Your unit does not have any wireless interface.** ^ 
-| If your unit does have a wireless antenna then you must purchase a [[:license]] to be able to activate wireless. | 
-The Internet Gate has a built-in 802.11b/g wireless access point allowing WiFi clients to connect to it. 
-For security reasons the wireless interface is turned off when shipped from the factory. You must enable the wireless interface to be able to use it. 
-Up to three different access points can be configured on the same unit, allowing for example one public unencrypted access point and one private encrypted one. 
-The Internet Gate has two wireless antennas: one external and one built-in. 
-===== Enable Wireless ===== 
-To enable the wireless interface connect to the Internet Gate using an Ethernet cable and open its [[web GUI:wireless page]], select a suitable security encryption, check the Wireless enabled checkbox, and click on **Save & Reboot**. 
-You can also, as an alternative method, hold **SEL** button pressed on the front of the unit for 8 seconds until "Air" "on" is shown on the display. An unsecured wireless access point SIPGT has now been activated that you can connect to so that you can access the [[web GUI:wireless page]] for configuration. 
-===== Wireless Security ===== 
-:!: **It is __extremely__ important to protect your wireless network!** 
-An unprotected wireless network means **anybody** within several hundred meters from you can eavesdrop on your communication, steal your data, credit card numbers, or infect your computers with viruses! 
-We **strongly** recommend you to use **WPA2** encryption! 
-Read more on the [[wireless:security|wireless security]] page! 
-===== Troubleshoot Wireless ===== 
-:?: Some common wireless problems and their solutions are discussed on the [[wireless:troubleshoot]] page. 
wireless.1289556557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/12 11:09 by tibor
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