Create a VPN Client Manually

To create a VPN client:

  1. Click Add in the VPN Connections field on the IPSec Overview page.
  2. On the IPSec Settings page that appears, check Act as EasyClient .
  3. In the Remote Gateway IP Address field: enter the global IP address of the server you want to connect to.
  4. Enter the pre-shared key or certificate used to log in to that server.
  5. Enter the local subnet used on the LAN behind the remote server.
  6. Click Apply.

As soon as any PC on your LAN attempts to connect any PC behind the remote server an IPSec connection will be established.

Also see: EasyClient.

:!: Internet Gate does not support IPSec servers with dynamic IP addresses.

vpn/configure_client_manually.1290181916.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/19 16:51 by mats
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