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Telnet CLI

The Internet Gate has a powerful Command Line Interface, accessible through Telnet, allowing advanced users make complex configurations not possible using the web GUI.

For advanced users only!
Incorrect CLI commands can render your unit uncontactable or even permanently damaged!

:!: By default Internet Gate's firewall stops all attempts of connecting to the Telnet CLI from the outside (WAN/Internet) network.

  • Before you can use the CLI for remote users you must enable Telnet access by checking the Remote configuration (Telnet) on security profile. (You must also enter an IP address and mask to allow only one or a few remote users, excluding unwanted attacks)
  • For local (LAN) users the Telnet access is enabled by default. It could be turned off by unchecking the Administration (Telnet) on security profile.


Log in to Telnet CLI by opening a telnet connection to one of Internet Gate's addresses: Write telnet in a Windows Command Prompt or use a Telnet client.

Username is admin and password is the same as admin's password for access of the web GUI.


For a list of available CLI commands type ?

The CLI has TAB completion meaning you can press TAB to finish a partly entered command or argument, and displaying a list of available choices if pressing TAB twice.

To save settings permanently enter a system config save command.

To quit CLI (and the Telnet session) enter user logout.


The system console is a lower-level CLI, accessible by the console enable command.

For a list of available console commands type help

To return to main CLI again enter exit

settings_and_administration/telnet_cli.1292404684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/12/15 10:18 by mats
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