web_gui:vpn_status_page [2010/11/22 10:48]
web_gui:vpn_status_page [2010/11/26 14:11] (current)
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  * As for the actual data traffic: on the inside LAN interface the packets are shown before being encrypted into the tunnel (resp. after they have been decrypted from the tunnel), with their TCP/UDP headers visible (port numbers, IP destination etc).   * As for the actual data traffic: on the inside LAN interface the packets are shown before being encrypted into the tunnel (resp. after they have been decrypted from the tunnel), with their TCP/UDP headers visible (port numbers, IP destination etc).
  * On the WAN port, however, these packets are forwarded as ESP or AH packets - the TCP or UDP (or whatever) header/payload is disguised (encrypted) on that interface. The original destination IP address is also invisible, since all AH/ESP packets are simply sent to the remote IPSec gateway.   * On the WAN port, however, these packets are forwarded as ESP or AH packets - the TCP or UDP (or whatever) header/payload is disguised (encrypted) on that interface. The original destination IP address is also invisible, since all AH/ESP packets are simply sent to the remote IPSec gateway.
 +:?: The [[vpn_log_page|VPN log]] page is also useful for monitoring the progress of the IPsec tunnels.
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===== Security associations ===== ===== Security associations =====
web_gui/vpn_status_page.1290419331.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/22 10:48 by mats
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