ADSL Status

The ADSL Status page shows the current status of your ADSL connection. For a general description of ADSL equipments/lines see also ADSL.

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ADSL Status page

General status

  • Operational mode - ADSL technology used by the connection.
  • ADSL line state:
    • Idle - no ADSL connection.
    • Handshake - searching for ADSL connection (DSLAM), negotiating transfer protocols.
    • Training - ADSL connection (DSLAM) found, test of telephone cable in progress.
    • Active - ADSL connection established (Showtime). The modem is online and ready to transfer data.

:!: It is normal for the modem to report “Idle”, “Handshake” or “Training” during up to five minutes after power on. However, if “Active” is still not reported after five minutes please check the cable attached to the LINE connector.

  • Transmit speed, Receive speed - transfer speed of the ADSL connection.

:!: These speeds are only a measure of the transfer speeds of the ADSL link. Many ADSL service providers limit the actual data transfer speeds to lower values centrally.

  • Firmware (ADSL) Version of the ADSL chip program code.

Quality values etc.

  • Downstream From Internet to modem.
  • Upstream From modem to Internet.
  • Power Signal strength of the transmitter.
  • CRC errors (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Number of damaged ATM-packets that could not be repared but had to be retransmitted. Values higher than 0 are normal, but should not increase dramatically. Cyclic_redundancy_check
  • HEC errors (Header Error Control) Like CRC, but counts damaged cell headers. Values higher than 0 are normal, but should not increase dramatically.
  • FEC (Forward Error Corrections) Number of damaged ATM-packets that could be repared. All values are normal. Forward_error_correction
  • Line attenuation The value is a measure of quality of the telephone cable (lower value - better quality). Attenuation
  • SNR margin (Signal-to-Noise-Ratio) Level difference between the ADSL signal and the background noise in the telephone cable. All values above 6dB allow data transmit with current speeds. The value is a measure of quality of the telephone cable, and hints if the transmit speeds could be increased or not. Signal-to-noise_ratio
  • Loss of signal Number of times ADSL connectivity has been lost. Values higher than 0 are normal, but should not increase dramatically.
  • Loss of frame Number of damaged ATM packets. Values higher than 0 are normal, but should not increase dramatically.
  • Impulse Noise Protection The maximum length of an impulse disturbance that can be corrected by the equipment. A higher value means a better tolerance - but a reduced usable bandwith.
  • DSLAM Central office equipment (vendor). DSLAM

ADSL Frequency Diagram

  • Number of data bits transmitted per ADSL channel. Not using all 15 bits is perfectly normal. The diagram is mainly for support and technicians to easier find remote interference sources affecting your telephone cable. ADSL
web_gui/adsl_status_page.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/19 11:35 by tibor
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