Remote Configuration

You can open up your Internet Gate for remote configuration. This is useful if you run in to a problem and need support. Support personnel may then surf to your Internet Gate and view or change the settings.

To open your Internet Gate for remote configuration:

  1. hold ALT button on front panel pressed until CFG is shown on the display
  2. the display will then show four numbers; this is the unit's global IP address
  3. support personnel can now browse to port 66 of that IP address to connect to your unit

There is a timeout for remote configuration. After a minute without any web page access the remote configuration channel is closed and display returns to normal. Then remote access is no longer possible.

:!: During remote configuration anyone on the Internet and your LAN can access your unit without any password!

To enable continuous remote access you need to configure it in a security profile.

web_gui/remote_config.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/03 16:42 by tibor
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