Built-in Web server

By default the built-in web server of the Internet Gate is used to access the configuration pages from LAN, and it is not accessable at all from WAN (the Internet).

You can however use this page to reconfigure that and make the web server show web pages you have created on your own, saved on a USB memory and inserted it into the unit's USB port.

Two different sets of web pages can be shown - one for external users (from the Internet) and another for internal users (from LAN).

To use this feature just put a couple of web pages on a USB memory stick and plug it into your Internet Gate. An easy way to create your own web pages is to choose Save As… Web page in Microsoft™ Word™ - or you can use a dedicated HTML editor program.

Read more about how Internet Gate uses USB memory here.

Read more about different web server configuration scenarios here.

USB Web Server page in rel 5.30

USB Access

You can enable Read only access, then only reading from the USB memory is allowed. Writing to the USB memory is not allowed.

:!: Do not enable read only access if you are using the USB memory for logging, voicemail, or other use that requires writing files to it.

Inside/Outside clients

By having two configurations, one for access from inside (LAN) clients and one for access from outside (Internet) clients, you can deploy both intranet and internet servers from one Internet Gate.

Read more about how to configure different scenarios here.

Outside (WAN/Internet) clients

These settings control what web pages users on the Internet see when they browse to the Internet Gate's global IP address.

Users wanting to access your web pages from the Internet can enter the unit's global IP address as URL (e.g. If you create a Dynamic DNS account they can instead use that URL instead (e.g. http://www.mysite.dyndns.org).

:!: By default Internet Gate's built-in firewall stops all web page requests coming from the Internet. To be able to use the built-in webserver you must open up the firewall to allow web page requests through. To do it enable both Web server and Use Built-in Webserver under “Allowed applications” on the active Security profile page. Leave the IP address field empty.

Allowing web access from the Internet is always a security risc. Even though the built-in web server is designed to be as secure as possible it may still be vulnerable for certain attacks.


You can decide what users on the Internet see when they browse to Internet Gate's global IP address:

WARNING! Extreme security risc! Do NOT use it!
Allowing anyone on the Internet to configure your Internet Gate is not a wise decision.
  • USB files - The web pages you have stored on the USB memory inserted into the unit's USB port.
  • File browser - A web page allowing people to explore the files on the USB memory in the unit's USB port. Can be used if the USB memory contains no web pages, only for example pictures.

Directory on USB device

The directory on the USB memory holding your web pages, by default ”/www”. If empty your web pages should be directly in the root directory of your USB memory. If “Show: File browser” is selected this is the start directory to show, and no directories higher than this can be accessed.

Start page

The name of the web page to show by default. Thus browsing to your site without any specific page requested shows this page. Usually your web site's start page. This page is to be found in the USB directory specified by “Directory on USB device” above. Only used if “Show: USB files” has been selected.

Require password for

Directory on the USB memory holding sensitive files that demand a password to be shown. Specify the password to be used at “Authentication” below. If you set it to same as “Directory on USB device” then ALL your web pages demand a password. If you leave it empty then none of your web pages demand a password.

USB pages reached at

URL to be used to access files on the USB memory (e.g. ”/usb” means user needs to enter http://yoursite.com/usb/index.html to access file /www/index.html on your USB memory). Not used when “Show: USB files” selected (as then it is a direct access, using http://yoursite.com/index.html).

Inside (LAN) clients

These settings control what web pages users on your LAN see when they browse to Internet Gate's IP address.

By entering other settings in these fields than the corresponding WAN fields above you can create an Intranet server for users on your LAN.

By entering the same settings in these fields as in the corresponding WAN fields above your LAN users will see the same web pages as users on the Internet.

Users wanting to access your intranet pages from LAN can enter Internet Gate's local or global IP address as URL (e.g. or http://www.local.lan (if you are using Internet Gate's built-in DNS server).

:!: By default it is the Internet Gate's configuration web pages that users on the LAN see when browsing to it. If you specify some other pages to be shown then you may have difficulties accessing those configuration pages again. Therefore the following features has been added:

  • If “Show: USB files” is selected you can access the configuration pages using
  • If “Show: File browser” is selected you can access the configuration pages using

When the unit is in remote config mode it always displays the configuration web pages, regardless of the settings below.


You can select what users on the LAN see when they browse to Internet Gate's IP address:

  • Configuration pages - The usual configuration pages controlling the unit.
  • USB files - The intranet pages stored on the USB memory inserted into the unit's USB port.
  • File browser - A web page allowing people to explore the files on the USB memory in the unit's USB port. (To be able to see all files on USB memory set “Directory on USB device” below to ”/”.)

Directory on USB device

The directory on the USB memory holding intranet pages. If empty the intranet pages should be directly in the root directory of the USB memory. If “Show: File browser” is selected this is the start directory to show on the lsusb page, and no directories higher than this can be accessed.

Start page

The name of the intranet page to show by default. Thus browsing to the unit without any specific page requested shows this page. Usually the intranet's start page. This page is to be found in the USB directory specified by “Directory on USB device” above. Only used if “Show: USB files” has been selected.

Require password for

Directory on the USB memory holding sensitive files that demand a password to be shown. Specify the password to be used at “Authentication” below. If you set it to same as “Directory on USB device” then ALL intranet pages demand a password. If you leave it empty then none of the intranet pages demand a password.

USB pages reached at

URL to be used to access files on the USB memory (e.g. ”/usb” means user needs to enter to access file /intranet/index.html on the USB memory). Not used when “Show: USB files” selected (as then it is a direct access, using


The login and password users must enter to be allowed to see sensitive files stored on the “Require password for” directories on the USB memory (same login/password for both WAN and LAN).

Login - The user name to be entered. Max 15 characters.

Password - The password to be entered. Max 15 characters.

:!: You are strongly recommended to change this password to other than its default value!

web_gui/usb_web_server_page.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/04 17:02 by tibor
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