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The USB status page is used to show current USB status and web server statistics.
The name of the attached USB device is shown – if the device is recognized as a USB Mass Storage Device with a FAT32 file system on it. The device name is acquired from the inserted device itself.
If the name is not shown then the USB device has not been recognized and cannot be used. You might need to reformat it to FAT32 before use. Read more here.
If the attached device uses some other file system than FAT32 a “Format” button appears that allows you to reformat attached USB memory to FAT32.
Formatting USB memory to FAT32 erases ALL data on it!
The web server statistics fields show the number of users, web pages and files served, and the IP address of the last client who accessed the web site. These statistics are only for USB memory accesses – configuration web page accesses are not counted.
The nr of users counting is not a strict unique users counter. Each time a new client with a different IP address than the previous one requests a web page or file, the counter is incremented. Thus two users accessing the site alternately will be counted as multiple users.
Multiple users behind the same NAT (same global IP) are counted as one user.
Opens up the USB File Browser page showing files present in the USB memory in a file browser-like way.