Automatic upgrades

This page lets you control the way to use the upgrade/configuration services offered by your Internet (or other) provider.

:!: If these options are applicable you have probably received some kind of information from your provider, otherwise ignore this page.


Automatic Upgrades in rel 5.30

A service (Internet) provider may have configuration files on a server which your unit can collect - automatically or on request by you. These configuration files can help you setting up certain features in your unit, setting account information etc.

enabled If enabled, the unit regularly checks for newer files on the server (if supported by your provider).

Checking interval How often the unit does its checking.


A service provider may have newer firmware for your unit, on a server which your unit can download for upgrading - automatically or on request by you.

enabled If enabled, the unit regularly checks for newer firmware on the server (if supported by your provider).

Checking interval How often the unit does its checking.


A service provider may have files on a server as results from a purchase procedure. Your unit can collect this - automatically or on request by you - and upgrade with the new bought features/licenses.

enabled If enabled, the unit regularly checks for newer files on the server (if supported by your provider).

Checking interval How often the unit does its checking.

Restart allowed

Some of the services above may need to restart the unit after being refreshed with new data from the server. Of course this may interrupt your Internet access for a short while. Decide here when to accept the restart.

After alert message on display (“Press SEL to install”) No automatic restart. Do the restart manually by pressing the “SEL” key on the front panel, after a scrolling message appears.

Automatically between Accept an automatic restart, but choose a time where you are not likely to use the unit. You must have configured a SNTP server (see the Administration page) so the unit knows the time-of-day. For automatic firmware upgrades, the unit must be switched on during the specified hours. If no SNTP service selected, it falls back to the option below.

Automatically at any time Select this option if you don't bother about an occasional (rare) restart.

Reset to default provisioning settings

If you change to a new service (Internet) provider, you may want to stop all the commitments with the old one, and to make a fresh start with services offered by the new one. If so, and only then, click here to reset. :!: WARNING! Resetting here may break regular services offered by your current Internet provider.

web_gui/automatic_upgrades.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/19 10:34 by tibor
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