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The Internet Gate can record voice messages left by callers to an attached USB memory stick, and e-mail it to the recepients' e-mail accounts.

:!: NOTE!
To be able to send the e-mail message the unit needs access to an SMTP server.
Configure SMTP settings on the e-mail configuration page.
To be able to record voicemail messages a USB memory must be attached to the unit.
Without USB memory and SMTP server voicemail cannot function!

Create internal voice mail unit

Before you can start using voicemail you need to create the Internet Gate internal voicemail handler component, and initialize it.

Clicking the Create button creates the necessary /voicemail directory on the attached USB memory stick, and initializes the voicemail handler. You must reboot your Internet Gate before you can start using voicemail.

Voicemail default announcements

If a call is forwarded to the voicemail unit (recepient did not answer call) the recording announcement (“please leave a message after the tone”) is played.

You can either use a wav file stored on the USB memory stick, a URL pointing to a wav file on the Internet, or record your own message:

  • The default URL points to a default message on our web server: Listen to it.
  • By entering a SIP address into the Client to call field you can record your own message by pressing the Record button. The specified SIP client will then be called and recording starts as soon as you answer the phone. Talk your message then hang up.
  • You can also put wav file containing the message directly on the USB memory stick. Name the file FIXME and make sure it is 8kHz mono sampled using u-law.

The referral announcement is used when the voicemail answers the call but does not record anything.

Voicemail template

After a message has been recorded to the USB memory stick it can be sent using e-mail to the recepient. The voicemail template fields configure how that sent e-mail should look like. If the fields are left empty a default e-mail message is generated.

From: the e-mail address the voicemail e-mail message is sent from. Some SMTP servers demand it is an actual existing e-mail account, or you could use something like

Subject: the subject of the e-mail message sent

Message: the message body (text) of the e-mail message sent.


To create dynamic voicemail e-mail messages, all the above fields can use tags to personalize the sent messages:

tag meaning example output
$(date) current date in year-month-date format 11-09-23
$(date=x) current date, argument x is in StrFTime format $(date=%A) ⇒ Tuesday
$(time) current time in 24h hour:minute format 18:23
$(time=x) current time, argument x is in StrFTime format. $(time=%p) ⇒ PM
$(from) full SIP address call was made from
$(from.user) first half of SIP address call was made from adam
$(from.domain) second half of SIP address call was made from
$(to) full e-mail address mail is sent to
$(to.user) first half of e-mail address mail is sent to eva
$(to.domain) second half of e-mail address mail is sent to
$(path) path to voicemail file /ld00/voicemail/
$(path.dir) directory voicemail file was saved in (same as SIP adress call was made to)
$(path.file) filename of recorded voicemail file
(Filename is “call” + date + time ”.wav”)
$(length) length of recorded message, in seconds 13

Each occurrence of a tag is replaced with the value the tag resolves to.


Subject: $(from.user) has left you a $(length)s message
Message: Hi!
$(from) has left you a $(length)s long message at $(date) $(time).
Listen to the attached file to hear it.

USB storage

The recorded messages are stored in the USB memory stick folder /voicemail

Each call recepient has its own subfolder with her SIP address as foldername.

Each recorded message is stored in a separate wav file. The files are called “call” followed by date and time, eg “call03171415.wav”

Thus if john did not answer a call at 14:15 March 17:th the full path on the memory stick would be:

web_gui/voicemail.1302100813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/06 16:40 by tibor
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